One other thing that I am proud about Bukittinggi is the Mukena or Talakuang we callled. It is has the own prestigous, different with others made. So many people looking for this kind of mukena. The question why it is different is maybe becouse of how they made is, so traditional and it is though. Some of people know mukena Bukit tinggi as Kerancang.
Kerancang adalah cara membordir khas dari Bukittinggi. Bordiran dibuat menggunakan mesin yang sangat sederhana (mesin jahit hitam). Kerancang ini sangat tinggi nilai seninya. Karena 1 helai mukena dikerjakan selama 1 - 2 bulan. Hasil kerancang sangat halus namun kuat. Itulah sebabnya mukena kerancang harganya agak tinggi karna hasil kerancangnya sangat bagus.
menurut berbagai sumber kerancang halus khas Bukittinggi adalah bordiran halus dengan “lubang lubang” yang terbentuk dari jalinan benang bordir. Lubang lubang inilah yang disebut dengan kerancang. Mukena khas bukit tinggi kerancang sangat sulit pembuatannya dan berbeda bordirnya dengan bordir yang dibuat di tempat lain. Jika dilihat detail Bordir kerancang rapi (tidak berantakan) dan kuat / tahan lama (tidak mudah lepas).
Dalam pembuatan kerancang yang berukuran kecil, seorang pembordir harus memperhatikan ukuran jalinan antar kerancang, karena pembuatan kerancang adalah suatu proses yang memiliki “point of no return“. Jalinan kerancang tersebut sebenarnya terdiri dari jalinan benang bodir serta bagian bahan dasar yang dipilin untuk menjadi tepi kerancang. Apabila jalinan ini putus, maka hal ini tidak bisa diperbaiki karena bahan dasar yang terpilin untuk membentuk jalinan kerancang tersebut juga ikut terputus ( robek ). Juga kerancang kerancang ini haruslah dibuat dengan mengikuti ukuran serta jalur ( path ) dari disain bordir secara keseluruhan. Sedikit saja terjadi kesalahan perhitungan maka jalur disain bordir tidak akan bisa dipertemukan dengan tepat sehingga hasil bordiran akan terlihat “senjang” (timpang)
Saking rumitnya pembuatan bordir kerancang halus khas Bukittinggi ini, ada yang menyebut bahwa bordiran ini bukan sekedar bordiran, tapi sudah merupakan karya seni (piece of art).
Dahulu proses pembuatan bordir kerancang halus ini sepenuhnya dikerjakan dengan tangan ( 100% purely handmade ). Tingkat kesalahannya tinggi karena manusia memiliki faktor kelemahan daya tahan serta kelelahan, apalagi mengerjakan sesuatu yang rumit dan serba kecil kecil. Untuk mendapatkan bordiran yang 75 % error free bisa memakan waktu hingga tiga bulan bahkan lebih. Namun rumitnya proses serta lamanya waktu pembuatan sebanding dengan keindahan bordiran yang dihasilkan.
Kerancang adalah cara membordir khas dari Bukittinggi. Bordiran dibuat menggunakan mesin yang sangat sederhana (mesin jahit hitam). Kerancang ini sangat tinggi nilai seninya. Karna 1 helai mukena dikerjakan selama 1 - 2 bulan. Hasil kerancang sangat halus namun kuat. Itulah sebabnya mukena kerancang harganya agak tinggi karna hasil kerancangnya sangat bagus.
Jika kalian mau memiliki salah satu mukena kerancang khas bukit tinggi ini aku senang sekalu membantu. harganya bervariasi, tergantung banyaknya bordir yang ada pad mukena dan dapat terbuat dari katun atau sutera. Semakin banyak variasi bordir dan berwarna semakin mahal, apalagi jika terbuat dari sutera..wuih..harganya bisa lebih dari 1 juta. harganya beragam, mulai dari Rp 250 ribu hingga lebih dari 1 juta tentunya. Ada yang mukena beserta sarungnya, ada yang mukena atasnya saja. Terakhir aku beli yang tidak terlalu banyak bordir beserta sarung bawahnya seharga Rp 200 ribu di pasar bukit tinggi. jika kalian tertarik untuk memiliki dengan budget tertentu aku akan bantu untuk membelikannya tentunya sesuai dengan budget *_^p
nanti akan dikirim ke alamat kalian. ke depannya nanti akan ditampilkan model2 lain bordir mukena bukit tinggi yang tersedia. I will make sure your statisfy is the main things for me..
Rabu, 02 Maret 2011
Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

mh..What is rendang that we know??
Rendang is one of favourite culinary in Padang (West Sumatera). Rendang made from cow meat simmered in spices and coconut milk. You’ll find rendang in Padang restaurants or food stall. There are two kind of rendang, dry rendang and kalio (wet rendang). The cooking process of dry rendang was longer than wet rendang.
The characteristic of wet rendang are its souce more liquid and its color is yellow-brown, not yet brown-black like dry rendang. Rendang have unique characteristic, its taste deliciously oily and salty, sweet, and hot which balanced, and spicier.There are no cooking standard or standard recipes of rendang, so the taste can be differ among food stall or restaurants. The variants of taste depend on condiment and spices which used. Commonly, spices used in rendang recipes are red chili, red onion, garlic, galangal, ginger, turmeric, turmeric leaves, bay leaves, lemongrass, candlenuts, salt, sugar and kandis sour fruit. If you can not mixed spices above, you can buy instant rendang spices in supermarkets. (
Did you know..according to, Rendang is the philosophy culinary of Minang kabau.
Meat rendang traditional cuisine is typical of West Sumatra (Minangkabau). Ethnic this very tune in all the community, both in and abroad. Rendang daging materials created with the main beef, coconut and spice mixture some typical Indonesia. To produce meat rendang needed at least a good chili (lado), ginger, Serai, cook onion and various spices.
Cultural communities in West Sumatra rendang is not only a favorite food, but also has a value of philosophy itself. Rendang represent nature Minangkabau society and culture that is consensus, with the 4 elements represented by the rendang.
Coconut (Karambia), which reflects the cadiak clever and intellectual,
Cabe (lado), which reflects the learned scholars who are spicy, firm in the faith,
Utensils (pamasak), which reflects the whole society Minangkabau.
My oldest sister is a great one when she cook rendang, no doubt of that. She live in Bukitinggi right now in our small village called Sungai Puar, the place were my parents comes from. And I often give taste my friends rendang that she made when i was in college and she sent by Tiki. Only takes 2 days to sent from bukittinggi to jakarta. Its really originally taste, becouse Its originally made from the real ingridients. Note: no additional things at all, only the natural spices when she cooked. and you know what..the special ingridients of food made from village is qualified more than city made. Example the cow, its growth naturally in vilagge than cow from town, without any polution environment, no doubt it will influences the texture of meat, better and healtier. I am offering you if you interesting to give a try to my sisters's rendang, you just only pay for Rp 150.000,- for 1 kg meat (not include delivery tax of course). I suggest only dry rendang able to offer becouse its long lasting :) For you who far from parents, far away from homy cooked..dont have much time to cooked..then you worthed to take this chance. You can offering by fill in the comment site. So the main thing in here that I am offering you the originality of Rendang from Bukittinggi. dare to try...? kan nyesel... :D
Selasa, 22 Februari 2011
(Indonesian for "high hill") is one of the larger cities in West Sumatra, Indonesia, with a population of over 91,000 people and an area of 25.24 km². It is situated in the Minangkabau highlands, 90 km by road from the West Sumatran capital city of Padang. It is located at 0°18′20″S 100°22′9″E / 0.30556°S 100.36917°E / -0.30556; 100.36917, near the volcanoes Mount Singgalang (inactive) and Mount Marapi (still active). At 930 m above sea level, the city has a cool climate with temperatures between 16.1°-24.9°C.
(Indonesian for "high hill") is one of the larger cities in West Sumatra, Indonesia, with a population of over 91,000 people and an area of 25.24 km². It is situated in the Minangkabau highlands, 90 km by road from the West Sumatran capital city of Padang. It is located at 0°18′20″S 100°22′9″E / 0.30556°S 100.36917°E / -0.30556; 100.36917, near the volcanoes Mount Singgalang (inactive) and Mount Marapi (still active). At 930 m above sea level, the city has a cool climate with temperatures between 16.1°-24.9°C.
The city has its origins in five villages which served as the basis for a marketplace.
The city was known as Fort de Kock during colonial times in reference to the Dutch outpost established here in 1825 during the Padri War. The fort was founded by Captain Bauer at the top of Jirek hill and later named after the then Lieutenant Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, Hendrik Merkus de Kock.The first road connecting the region with the west coast was built between 1833 and 1841 via the Anai Gorge, easing troop movements, cutting the costs of transportation and providing an economic stimulus for the agricultural economy. In 1856 a teacher-training college (Kweekschool) was founded in the city, the first in Sumatra, as part of a policy to provide educational opportunities to the indigenous population. A rail line connecting the city with Payakumbuh and Padang was constructed between 1891 and 1894.
During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia in World War II, the city was the headquarters for the Japanese 25th Army, the force which occupied Sumatra. The headquarters was moved to the city in April 1943 from Singapore, and remained until the Japanese surrender in August 1945.
During the Indonesian National Revolution, the city was the headquarters for the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI) from December 19, 1948 to July 13, 1949. During the second 'Police Action' Dutch forces invaded and occupied the city on December 22, 1948, having earlier bombed it in preparation. The city was surrendered to Republican officials in December 1949 after the Dutch government recognized Indonesian sovereignty.
The city was officially renamed Bukittinggi in 1949, replacing its colonial name. From 1950 until 1957, Bukittinggi was the capital city of a province called Central Sumatra, which encompassed West Sumatra, Riau and Jambi. In February 1958, during a revolt in Sumatra against the Indonesian government, rebels proclaimed the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PRRI) in Bukittinggi. The Indonesian government had recaptured the town by May the same year.
A group of Muslim men had planned to bomb a cafe in the city frequented by foreign tourists in October 2007, but the plot was aborted due to the risk of killing Muslim individuals in the vicinity.Since 2008 the city administration has banned Valentine's Day and New Year's celebrations as they consider them not in line with Minangkabau traditions or Islam, and can lead to "immoral acts" such as young couples hugging and kissing.
It is a city popular with tourists due to the climate and central location. Attractions within the city include:
Ngarai Sianok (Sianok Canyon)
Lobang Jepang (Japanese Caves) - a network of underground bunkers & tunnels built by the Japanese during World War II
Lobang Jepang (Japanese Caves) - a network of underground bunkers & tunnels built by the Japanese during World War II
Pasar Atas and Pasar Bawah - traditional markets in downtown.
Taman Bundo Kanduang park. The park includes a replica Rumah Gadang (literally: big house, with the distinctive Minangkabau roof architecture) used as a museum of Minangkabau culture, and a zoo. The Dutch hilltop outpost Fort de Kock is connected to the zoo by the Limpapeh pedestrian overpass.
Museum Rumah Kelahiran Bung Hatta (Museum of Bung Hatta Birthplace) - the house where Indonesian founding father Mohammad Hatta was born, now a museum.
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